Thursday, April 14, 2011

Excitement and swarms

First Swarm

In situ

Iddee starting the cutting of excess limbs

One good shake and 80% are in..

Closing the lid

The remainder walking across from the now cut limb

Rob covered in bees
Rob bringing down the second swarm, 2 sec later the ball dropped off the limb

Bees walking across from limb

Wally the Bee Whisperer

Me holding up the second limb

The original swarm size - click to zoom

About a min later Wally found a second queen walking across

Monday, April 4, 2011

Working my own hive

A week after my hive was placed I decided to have a peek, Iddee came along to offer moral support and look over my shoulder , making sure I was doing it all the right way.

This is a super strong hive , thanks Mark

The biggest task was to put the frames into varnished boxes , as I had nothing ready when the call came. So I would be handling every frame  during this opening and moving them into new wooden ware. Deeps looked good with 7 fully drawn out, Mark had used plastic foundation on his deeps, the outer frames were not yet drawn, so we also changed the hive opening to make the bees work the eastern side a bit more.

First super had lots of brood including done cells, good honey stores too, my wife who was watching from a distance asked Iddee when can we get honey, so he pulled a full frame and said NOW.

Found the queen on the upper super, lots of eggs and larvae and capped brood.

Great Brood (the brown capped cells)

Busy entrance , now on RHS , few lost bees on LHS

Watering hole

Apple blossoms

Cherry Blossoms
Fun being a new beekeeper.