Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Tough Winter

From 7 hives , down to 2 , but two very strong hives at least.

Probably magnified by my own lack of proper winter prep. Did  not add top feeders like last year as the weather turned while I was away.

But in January we still had 5 hives that all had food , and the very warm days over a two week period plus early flowering Maples got the bees working and soon I had robbing going on because I chose to open feed stupidly.  By the time I stopped it - was too late. Since then we have had few days that the bees were out and about and my real job has kept me away from the hives during the week (when the weather was warm) , as it was raining most weekends.

But yet again the Wayne's bees have proven to be the solid survivors.

Spring prep : 
I will put some swarm traps out, as well as work any swarms I hear of in spring.  In addition I still have bees in the walls of Ballinger academy , so will do a trap out again and build up a few nucs.

Warm weather this weekend according to the forecast , so will be opening the hives to check on health.